
Pirna is located between Dresden and the Elbsandsteingebirge (Elbe Sandstone Mountains). The market square there is famous. It was painted by Canaletto in 1853. Pirna citizens meet once a year to recreate the scene of the painting. Shops, cafés and restaurants can be found all over the town centre. With its ornate house facades, arcaded courtyards, oriels, gables and seating niche portals, the town offers a dreamlike backdrop. The town hall and St. Mary’s Church are particularly worth seeing.

Stadtkirche St. Marien
St. Mary’s Church *
Prächtige Haustür
Magnificent front door …
Fountain sculpture
Fountain sculpture …
Town Hall
Town Hall
Schloss Sonnenstein
Sonnenstein Palace
Magnificent front door
… and another one.
Fountain sculpture
… called the “Market Ship”
Town Hall Tower

Where to find this location

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