The Tienshan is a high mountain range in Central Asia with a height of up to 7439 m. It stretches over the territory of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The landscapes are diverse and include gorges, high peaks and glaciers, but also wetlands, grasslands and steppes.
In 1983, I travelled from Almaty to the foothills of the mountains. More photos will follow as soon as they are digitised.
Information about taking this photo
This photo was taken in the 1980s analogue on film and developed promptly in the lab. I am currently starting to scan the old films in my archive. I am working with a reflecta CrystalScan 7200 and Silverfast software, but I am still experimenting and learning. I am not yet satisfied with the result and will replace the photo as soon as I get better results.Where to find this location
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